Mid-Year Wrap Up

Wow, time has flown this year! I’ve sold a few stories over the last few months, plus had a couple of them published recently, so it seems like a good time for a wrap-up.

  • “La Vie En Mer” went live in Utopia Science Fiction‘s June/July issue. This is a fun sci-fi piece about a luxury residental cruise ship that travels to parallel worlds, told in the style of episode notes. I’ve wanted to write a cruise ship story for a long time!
  • This Is (Not) My Beautiful Cat” came out a couple of days ago in Stupefying Stories. A wholesome contemporary fantasy story about a girl, a woman, and their cat(s).
  • “Nowhere, Australia” sold to The Vanishing Point. This is my rural Australian horror/dark fantasy tale about country isolation and farm animals that are Bad News. I wrote this 6 months after moving to a country town (which I love), almost entirely in the Gmail app on my phone whilst underneath a cat.
  • “The Most Powerful Witch in Witchville” sold to Aurealis. I woke up with this title one day and the story quickly developed from there: a competition story about who will be declared the most powerful witch in Witchville. Yep, it delivers what it says on the tin.

I also have a couple of other stories that are due to be published in the not-too-distant future, but that I can’t talk about publicly yet.

Finally, about a month ago my very talented wife had her debut novel “House of Longing” released by Text publishing! It’s lesbian historical fiction mostly set in an asylum, impeccably researched (she’s almost finished a PhD on the relationships between women in Victorian lunatic asylums in the 1890s). Highly recommended if you’ve ever enjoyed a Sarah Waters book.

“House of Longing” by Tara Calaby

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